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services BLOG
core drilling concrete floors
Core drilling through a concrete floor or concrete pad with a large 12 inch core drill bit is sometimes the type of duty that you like to pass onto the youngsters in the crew. It takes a large floor based core drill rig to core drill a 12 inch hole. We use a milwaukee 4004 core drill motor to make the big holes up to 14 inches. It a hea...
services BLOG
core drilling 24 inches deep concrete foundation
This is a dangerous job. For just on the other side of that concrete foundation, upon which we are core drilling 18 four inch core drill holes 24 inches deep, are all the power lines that go to this 100,000 kw sub station in hendersonville, North Carolina. Our special core drilling rig easily handles this task as we core drill all the 4 i...
products BLOG
core drilling limestone wall
Price $600
In of itself a core plug is often not very special. But being that we rarely have to core drill through limestone we took a picture of the core when we cored a 6 inch hole for new roof drains at the preyer federal courthouse in greensboro, NC in early june of 2020. ...
services BLOG
core drilling heavy rebar
This is a core drill sample from a wall in charlotte nc. See the heavy rebar in the core. our bits can cut strait through this type of heavy metal. When core drill the wall we used less than 2 gallons of water. Water is the cooling fluid of choice for core drilling concrete. There is no need for expensive cooling agents as water in its n...
services BLOG
3 inch core drilling concrete floors
One of the tougher jobs when core drilling is going through metal framing for sheetrock in when it is part of the project. Usually 3 inch core drilling through metal framing is different for if you do not have the core drill rig anchored or vacuum sealed to hold the rig to the floor then your going to have problems cause the core drill bi...
services BLOG
core drilling 3 inch hole in concrete block wall
this is how we core drill a 3 inch hole in a block wall for new plumbing in a parking garage in Raleigh, NC. The 3 inch hole was cored at 8 foot off the ground in a partially concrete poured wall that was hollow block cells where we had to anchor the core drilling rig. Most of the time the core drilling goes fairly well as we have did thi...