Core Drilling Costs Calculator

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An online Core Drilling Price Estimator

Carolina Precision Core Drilling.

Charlotte NC. 704-245-0119

Hey! Ever wondered if there is a simple way to calculate the price of what core drilling a hole in concrete might cost?

Yes There is!

This program is designed to calculate specified construction-type core drilling costs for core drilling a hole in concrete walls and floors in the state of North Carolina. It was developed by our founder in 2011 to provide valid cost estimating for our services. We conform to the best construction industry practices and standards!

It can produce an estimation of the approximate costs on a per hole per cost basis from core drill hole sizes of 1-inch to 16-inches in diameter and from 6-inches to 24-inches in depth.

A new and improved interface will display a running tab of the hole size, the cost of core drilling each hole, the depth chosen for each core drill hole, and the number of holes chosen.

Easy to use with only 5 Simple steps to get a total estimate for the cost of core drilling holes in concrete.

  1. Select Direction:

    Core Drill a hole through a concrete wall, the side of a building, or anytime the drilling action is horizontal.


    Core Drill a hole through a concrete floor, a sidewalk, top of a retaining wall, or anytime the drilling action is vertical.

  2. Select Size:
    1" up to 16"

    The size of the hole being drilled is the same as the width or diameter of the core drill bit. So a 2" inch bit drills a 2" hole the same as a 12" bit drills a 12" hole.

  3. Select Depth:
    6" min to 24" max

    The lenght that the core drill bit must travel to completely go through the structure being drilled. Such as a 6-inch precast wall, or a 20-inch floor.

  4. How Many?:
    How many?

    The count of core drill holes at the size and depth that has been input.

  5. Click:
    Add to Estimate Click add to estimate button to calculate a total cost.

Core Drilling estimation costs given here are derived only for our core drilling company. Core drilling estimate calculations may differ from the actual cost. Unless verified by Carolina Precision Core Drilling any estimate produced may not be construed as an Official Quote from our Company.

Examples of Floor core drilling

Concrete floors, sidewalks, ramps, patios, the tops of retaining walls, brick porches, asphalt roads, cement driveways, and so. Any masonry structure where the drilling direction is vertical.

Examples of Wall core drilling

Concrete walls, brick chimneys, water basins, manholes, the sides of retaining walls, a hole through the side of a brick porch and so. Any masonry structure where the drilling direction is horizontal.

Created Aug 11, 2013
Updated: 02/19/2025