
core drilling 24 inches deep concrete foundation

Price - $250

nccoredrill avatar

Phone: 704-245-0119

Event/Project Location: north carolina

11686 times displayed

2020-08-02 19:54:41

Last Updated: 2020-08-02 19:54:41

This is a dangerous job. For just on the other side of that concrete foundation, upon which we are core drilling 18 four inch core drill holes 24 inches deep, are all the power lines that go to this 100,000 kw sub station in hendersonville, North Carolina. Our special core drilling rig easily handles this task as we core drill all the 4 inch holes in a matter of 8 working man hours for a price of two hundred fifty dollars each. We use core drill bit extensions that measure 12 inches and 6 inches respectively to allow our core drill bit to be extended 14 drilling inches at at time. The extensions are made to fit the 1 1/4 inch by 7 thread of the core drill motor with a 5/16 inch hole bored through the middle to allow water to pass through and cool the core drill bit while drilling. We could of just used a longer barreled core drill bit, and of course we sell those also, but in this case the extensions being only 1 11/16" in diameter will not get caught in the hole through slight misalignment of the core drill bit as it drills deeper into the wall.