8 inch core drill bit
$360Size: 8 inch OD
Wet Use only. 1 1/4-inch x 7 tpi hub thread. Laser welded 10 mm diamond teeth segments. Cuts cement, reinforced concrete, brick, block and asphalt. Full 8-inch OD. American Made.

SKU: 1035
ProductID: 71121
Category:8 inch Core Drill Bit
Product : B00CCXMOBZ
Orignal Price $360
(Sale Starts )
Sales Price $352.80
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services 8 inch
core drilling in concrete walls in south carolina
Another project where we performed some core drilling in concrete walls in South Carolina. This is an eight-inch core drill hole that was cored in a drain basin that connected to the main sewage lines for the city of Fort Mill, SC. Not a very spectacular hole as core drill holes go. I took about 40 minutes total time to finish this job an...
products 8 inch
8 inch core slug and core bore bit
Price $360
Here are an 8-inch core slug and the core boring bit that cut a hole for a plumbing pipe on Brevard St in Charlotte North Carolina. This is an 8-inch wall that the core bit handled easily. With only one piece of 1/2 inch rebar in the slug, the drilling time took about 6 minutes, which was welcomed relief because previously the reinforced ...
services 8 inch
coring 8 inch hole in concrete wall
Up on a ladder again, coring an 8-inch hole in ac concrete wall. As you can see our core drilling skills bear no bounds as we scale up the rungs to the top and put that hole through the wall for and 6-inch plumbing pipe for the new condos located at 2715 Brevard st charlotte NC. Mounted againg with a trusty wedge anchor we use a 7-inch by...