
5 inch core drill bit

5 inch core drill bit


Size: 5 inch OD

Wet Use only. 1 1/4-inch x 7 tpi hub thread. Laser welded 10 mm diamond teeth segments. Cuts cement, reinforced concrete, brick, block and asphalt. Full 5-inch OD. American Made.


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SKU: 1033

ProductID: 71119

Category:5 inch Core Drill Bit

Product : B00CCXL4NZ

Orignal Price $230

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Sales Price $218.50

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new ratings 4 8 customer reviews , April 12, 2018 4/ 5 The diamond core drill bit drilled right throught the walls.

5" Core Drilling Updates

  • Posted 2022-03-16

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    Core drilling 5-inch holes for artwork

    New artwork at 631 Cross Trail Dr. Greenway. Today we got to do some crossover work and show our creative side as we core drilled some 5-inch holes in concrete so that a new flamboyant and stylish swing that has been installed at 631 Jackson St. in Charlotte, NC. Not that we are not already artists in our own right. This particular projec...
  • Posted 2021-04-22

    bore drilled 5 inch hole through brick wall Picture 1 services 5 inch

    bore drilled 5 inch hole through brick wall

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  • Posted 2021-04-18

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  • Posted 2021-04-07

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    core drilling 202 holes on a concrete platform

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  • Posted 2021-01-10

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    5 inch core drill hole in top of septic tanks

    Price $476

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  • Posted 2020-12-27

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