
drill hole through the foundation in Connelly Springs NC

Price - $550

nccoredrill avatar

Phone: 704-245-0119

Event/Project Location: Connellys Springs NC

9709 times displayed

2021-04-18 22:15:19

Last Updated: 2021-04-18 22:15:19

Core drilling a house foundation in North Carolina

What a hole. Not so much the 5-inch core drill hole through the foundation in Connelly Springs NC, but the hill or better yet small mountain that had to be traversed to walk down to it. Most of our projects in North Carolina are within 100 to 150 feet of our 2006 ford work truck which houses our generator and water supply for core drilling projects in remote areas. But this hill declined more than 250 feet down a Carolina red clay mudslide to the back of a newly constructed home beside the river of the main road of Connelly Springs.

Up, Down, Up again

It took 5 pain-staking trips up and back down the muddy mess to accomplish our mission of getting our customer a penetration through the 16-inch foundation wall where the drain lines for the home to the local sewer systems could be passed. Nobody was happy about the walking, but I would have been even unhappier if for some reason we did not complete our mission and failed to drill a hole through the house's foundation.

After all the walking we finally got set up. the time it took to push the bit through the wall was about 10 minutes. I was tired from all the going up and down the hill.