
12 inch core drill bit

12 inch core drill bit


Size: 12 inch OD

Wet Use only. 1 1/4-inch x 7 tpi hub thread. Laser welded 10 mm diamond teeth segments. Cuts cement, reinforced concrete, brick, block and asphalt. Full 12-inch OD. American Made.


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SKU: 1037

ProductID: 71123

Category:12 inch Core Drill Bit

Product : B00CCXMCE0

Orignal Price $600

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Sales Price $582.00

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new ratings 4 5 customer reviews , April 12, 2018 4/ 5 The diamond core drill bit drilled right throught the walls.

12" Core Drilling Updates

  • Posted 2021-05-06

    Twelve inch holes for bollards Picture 1 services 12 inch

    Twelve inch holes for bollards

    Core drilling 12" holes in asphalt in Charlotte, NC. Every once in a while we get asked to do some misc. ironwork. This type of work has gone hand in hand with our normal job of core drilling as sometimes the products and or services are closely related. Often handrails, bollards, bike racks, and other misc. metalwork requires that core d...
  • Posted 2020-11-15

    12 inch core drilling in Charlotte North Carolina Picture 1 services 12 inch

    12 inch core drilling in Charlotte North Carolina

    12-inch core drilling in Charlotte, North Carolina is something we do about 240 times a year. Most 12-inch core drilling is for large drainage pipes that return the typical residential or commercial wastewater to areas that take care of cleaning the used, nonpotable water back into the natural ecosystem. Though not always as we have core...
  • Posted 2020-10-07

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    12 inch core bore Hickory North Carolina

    This is a 12-inch core drill bit putting a hole in a manhole on Center St., Hickory, North Carolina. Usually, a 12-inch hole is not that difficult to core into the side of a round manhole with our equipment. But even this one put our Milwaukee core drill motor to the test as we had to drill a new drainage trough through the bottom of the ...
  • Posted 2020-05-08

    core drilling in asheville north carolina Picture 1 services 12 inch

    core drilling in asheville north carolina

    Asheville North Carolina is where we core drill nearly 2734 core drill holes in concrete walls and floors for the past 12 years. As one of the one only core drilling companies that will service asheville we are proud to do so. These are some 12 inch core drill holes we made for a dumpster enclosure in Asheville....
  • Posted 2020-05-05

    core drilling 12 inch holes for bollards Picture 1 services 12 inch

    core drilling 12 inch holes for bollards

    here in this picture we core drilled 12 inch holes for bollards for the r and L trucking company in China Grove, North Carolina. Most of the time core drilling a 12 inch hole in a floor is not overly difficult. But at this core drilling project there just happened to be an unlying concrete footer that had a bunch of rebar embedded in it....