
10 inch core drill hole in a reinforced concrete foundation wall

Price - $575

raleighcoredrill avatar

Phone: 704-245-0119

Event/Project Location: Raleigh NC

13475 times displayed

2020-11-28 16:01:45

Last Updated: 2020-11-28 16:01:45

Not your typical foundation wall, commercially built foundation walls are full of rebar tied together inside which makes a 10 inch core drill hole in a reinforced concrete wall a challenge. On this particular project, we used one of the older used 10-inch core drill bits that were in the job-box that morning. Like any other type of work, part of a core driller's duties includes using the right bit for the right job. That is not always a new core drill bit as that would not be very profitable for the core drilling company to do. And, in deciding which bit to use to is always from oldest most used bit to the newest. The drilling, or boring if you will, took about 15 minutes once everything was set up. With plenty of cooling water from our onboard tank, we were able to make a perfectly smooth 10-inch hole in the foundation wall.